Data Set Citation

When using this data, please cite the data package
Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO) and McManus M.
PISCO: Physical Oceanography: moored temperature data: Terrace Point, California, USA (TPT001)
TPT001_018MHP2000R00_20110121.50.1 (

General Information

Title:PISCO: Physical Oceanography: moored temperature data: Terrace Point, California, USA (TPT001)
Short Name:PISCO moored temperature, TPT001
This metadata record describes moored seawater temperature data collected at Terrace Point, California, USA, by PISCO. Measurements were collected using a HOBO U22 Water Temp Pro V2 (Onset Computer Corp. U22-001) beginning 2011-01-21. The instrument depth was 000 meters, in an overall water depth of 18 meters (both relative to Mean Sea Level, MSL). The sampling interval was 4.0 minutes.
Keywords:Global Change Master Directory:
  • EARTH SCIENCE : Oceans : Ocean Temperature : Water Temperature
IOOS Vocabulary Version 1:
  • Temperature
  • Integrated Ocean Observing System
  • IOOS
PISCO Categories:
  • Oceanographic Sensor Data
  • Moored Temperature Data
  • continental shelf
  • seawater
  • temperature
  • California
  • United States of America
Language: English

Data Table, Image, and Other Data Details:

Metadata download Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File
Data Table:TPT001_018MHP2000R00_20110121.40.1.txt ( View Metadata | Download File download)

Involved Parties

Data Set Creators

Organization:Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO)
Web Address:
Individual:Dr. Margaret McManus
Marine Sciences Building,
1000 Pope Road,
Department of Oceanography,
University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA
(808) 956-8623 (voice)
(808) 956-9225 (fax)
Email Address:
Web Address:

Data Set Contacts

Position:Physical Oceanographic Data Manager
Email Address:
Web Address:

Associated Parties

Individual:Dr. Olivia Cheriton
Long Marine Lab,
100 Shaffer Road,
University of California, Santa Cruz,
Santa Cruz, California 95060 USA
(831) 459-1876 (voice)
(831) 459-3383 (fax)
Email Address:
cheriton at biology dot ucsc dot edu
Web Address:

Data Set Characteristics

Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Terrace Point: TPT001: This inner-shelf mooring is located offshore of the city of Santa Cruz, California, USA. The mooring lies in an overall water depth of 018 meters (referenced to Mean Sea Level, MSL). The altitudeMinimum and altitudeMaximum tags in this initial coverage section refer to the logger measurement range (with depths expressed as negative altitudes) and are also referenced to MSL. They do not represent the overall water depth.
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  -122.080450  degrees
East:  -122.080450  degrees
North:  36.943421  degrees
South:  36.943421  degrees
Mimimum Altitude:-000  meter
Maximum Altitude:-000  meter
Time Period:
2011-01-21  at  20:20:00.00Z
2011-03-30  at  13:00:00.00Z

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:  
Methods for moored temperature collection and quality-control are available online, see the protocol citation.
Title: PISCO UCSC Tidbit Temperature Protocol
Online Distribution Info:
Instrument(s): HOBO U22 Water Temp Pro V2 (Onset Computer Corp. U22-001)
Sampling Coverage:
Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:In this sampling section, the altitudeMaximum tag refers to the altitude of Mean Sea Level (MSL), and the altitudeMinimum tag refers to the nominal altitude of the sea floor. In other words, the altitudeMinimum represents the overall water depth, expressed as a negative altitude.
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  -122.080450  degrees
East:  -122.080450  degrees
North:  36.943421  degrees
South:  36.943421  degrees
Mimimum Altitude:-18  meter
Maximum Altitude:000  meter
Sampling Description:
Methods for PISCO moored temperature data collection and quality-control are available online, see the protocol citation. Data were collected using a HOBO U22 Water Temp Pro V2 (Onset Computer Corp. U22-001) set to a 4.0-minute sampling interval.

Data Set Usage Rights

Please cite PISCO in all publications containing these data. The citation should take the form: "This study utilized data collected by the Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans: a long-term ecological consortium funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation." Please send copies of any published manuscript based on these data to the PISCO Program Coordinator ( Users of these data are encouraged to contact the Principal Investigators. Where appropriate, researchers whose projects are integrally dependent on PISCO data are encouraged to consider collaboration and/or co-authorship with original PISCO investigators.
Extensive efforts are made to ensure that online data are accurate and up to date, but the authors and PISCO will not take responsibility for any errors that may exist in data provided online. Furthermore, the user assumes all responsibility for errors in analysis or judgment resulting from use of the data.
Access Control:
Auth System:ldap://,dc=org
Additional Metadata
Metadata download Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File